
Avoiding Supplier Conflict and Disputes Before They Begin. Kate Vitasek, Jim Groton & Ellen Waldman, July/Aust 2024. Supply Chain XChange

PLAIN e-Journal Vol 6, Issue 1. , 14 June 2024, LinkedIn

Inspiring Women in Commerce and Contracting 2023. WorldCC Foundation 2024 (Helena Haapio at p. 16-17).

Annola, Haapio and Koskela, ‘Interpreting Images in Contracts’. Steve Hedley, 19 January 2024, Private Law Theory Blog

Can Robots Humanize the Law? Insights from Helena Haapio. Liz Chase, 6 November 2023, LinkedIn

Spesiaalijakso – Oikeusmuotoilu Made in Finland (podcast). Henna Tolvanen & Nina Toivonen, 5 December 2023, Legal Design Podcast

Digitalize in Stockholm 2023: Digital transformation requires collaboration on all levels… 30 October 2023, Digital Futures
See also video and transcript of Helena Haapio’s presentation “Humanizing Legal Communication with Proactive Law, Information Design and AI” at the Digitalize in Stockholm 2023 conference.

Positively Legal: Legal Design Can Bring Empathy to Our Work. Caterina Cavallaro, 26 July 2023, ACC Docket

Report from the legal tech conference Future Law 2023. May 2023, Legal Innovation Blog, Virtual Intelligence

Contract Improvement Personas: the Drafters, Designers, Digitisers and Doers. Chris Simkins, April 2023, Improving Contracts Blog

Contract Design Trends 2022 & 2023 with Helena Haapio from Lexpert. Summary of an interview. Hannele Korhonen, 9 November 2022, Lawyers Design School

Proactive Legal Information Design with Helena Haapio and Rob Waller (podcast). Henna Tolvanen & Nina Toivonen, 20 October 2021, Legal Design Podcast

“Are terms understood in the intended way – and what can be done about it?” asks Helena Haapio. Hanna Pentti, 8 October 2021, Fondia Insights / Blog.

Innovations in the Legal Services Supported by the Use of Visual Law: The Reality in Finland and Belgium. Interview with Helena Haapio and Dominique Meert. Liziane Aparecida de Carvalho and Sandra Negri, 28 September 2021. Revista Humanidades & Inovação

Conversations on Legal Design (3/4): Designing contracts. Sebastian Greger, 26 July 2021.

”Ymmärretäänkö ehdot varmasti tarkoitetulla tavalla – ja mitä asialle voi tehdä?” kysyy Helena Haapio. Hanna Pentti, 25 February 2021, Fondia Blogi.

Legal Design around the World: Finland – Helena Haapio. Lawbox Design, 2 December 2020.

Contracts: Starting With Why. Chris Simkins, 21 June 2020, Improving Contracts Blog

Tekoäly muuttaa maailmaa | Helena Haapio: Tekoälyn avulla parempia sopimuksia? Riikka Kalmi. Vox cordis 2/2020, p. 32-33.

The Modern Contract Handbook: Future-proof Your Contract Management. Juro 2019.

Contracts as Boundary Objects: What does this mean and why should we care? Sally Guyer, 21 October 2019. Contracting Excellence Journal, IACCM.

Proactive Law: Improving Your Legal Service Delivery (podcast). Interview with Helena Haapio and George Siedel. Daniel Linna, 8 October 2019. Legal Talk Network, Law Technology Now.

Send in the clowns: Grand designs for digital law. Joanna Goodman, 23 September 2019. The Law Society Gazette.

Reinventing Contracts. J. Kim Wright, 14 June 2019. Law Practice Today (American Bar Association).

Legal design helpottamaan IT2018-sopimusehtojen käyttöä. 26 March 2019, Keskuskauppakamari.

Current privacy communication is not working. Interview with Helena Haapio. Fredrik Svärd, 31 October 2018. The Swedish Data Protection Forum.

Interview with Helena Haapio on Legal Design (podcast in Finnish). Jukka Linna & Sanna Niinikoski, 15 September 2018. LaureaLegal.

Seeing law with new eyes: The Legal Design Sprint. Emily Allbon, 1 August 2018. Future Lawyers blog, Lawbore.

‘Comic’ employment contracts won’t save the day…yet. 10 May 2018, Workplace Express.

Privacy by design: building a privacy policy people actually want to read. Richard Mabey, 2 May 2018. Juro blog / Better legal design.

Oikeudellinen muotoilu koskettaa meitä kaikkia.

A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words. J. Kim Wright, 4 April 2018. Enlivening Edge Magazine.

Bringing Legal Design and Legal Tech to Contracts. Stefania Passera, 28 March 2018.

Legal Design WTF? 22 March 2018. Legal Geek.

Plain Language Contracts On The Rise. Kate Vitasek, 19 March 2018. Forbes.

Sign on the dotted line: Are ‘comic book contracts’ the user-friendly future? (Holy Boilerplate, Batman!) Mary Hallissey, Law Society Gazette, Jan/Feb 2018, p. 40–45.

Next Generation Contracts have arrived! Gavin Bluett, 30 November 2017. Leman Solicitors.

Legal Design Pattern Libraries. Margaret Hagan, Legal Design Lab.

Five for Friday: Legal and strategic design. 10 November 2017, Good News from Finland.

Interview with Stefania Passera. Seungho Lee, 14 August 2017. Medium.

What does it take to win an IACCM award? Winners tell their stories. 24 July 2017. Contracting Excellence Journal, IACCM.

Haapio and Barton: Business-Friendly Contracting. Kate Vitasek, 23 June 2017. Outsource Magazine.

LexisNexis zeichnet aus: Best Paper Award für hervorragende Tagungsbeiträge der IRIS 2017. 16 March 2017. LexisNexis Press Release.

Sarjakuva mullistaa sopimustekstit. Kiira Koskela, 27 February 2017. Turun Ylioppilaslehti.

Comic Contracts: A Novel Approach To Contract Clarity And Accessibility. Kate Vitasek, 14 February 2017. Forbes.

Elements of Style – Visualizing law, an interview with Helena Haapio and Stefania Passera. Laura Salokangas, Helsinki Law Review 1/2017, p. 26–27.

Mikä on asiakirja-aukko sopimuksessa? Marko Silen, 22.12.2016. Helsingin seudun kauppakamari.

Design overturns legal services. 21 November 2016. Helsinki Design Weekly.

Legal Design Summit. Kati Shibutani, 18 November 2016. Blog of the Master’s degree programme in Service Innovation and Design, Laurea University of Applied Sciences.

Ylen aamu-tv: Nettipalvelujen sekavat käyttöehdot. 7 November 2016. The Finnish Broadcasting Company.

Jätitkö sinäkin palvelun käyttöehdot lukematta? – Asianajaja: “Tilanne on kestämätön”. 7 November 2016. YLE Uutiset, Kotimaa / Ylen aamu-tv.

Visual Contracts. 4 November 2016. Checklist Legal / Verity White.

Comic employment contracts for farm workers in South Africa. Margaret Hagan, 6 September 2016. Open Law Lab.

Sopimusjuristi Helena Haapio. Heini Larros, 15 August 2016. Juristikirje, Talentum Pro.

Onko sopimusmuotoilu suomalaisjuristien vientivaltti? Työsopimuksesi voi tulevaisuudessa olla sarjakuva! Heini Larros, 29 June 2016. Juristikirje, Talentum Pro.

Legal design eli oikeudellinen muotoilu. 26 June 2016. Helsingin Sanomat.

“Juristit ovat unohtaneet inhimillisen näkökulman” – asianajotoimisto haluaa eroon turhista lakitekstin koukeroista. Heidi Huotilainen, 26 June 2016. Helsingin Sanomat.

Visual Consumer Contracts. Alexandra Devendra, 6 November 2015. Legal design blog.

Visualization of the Law. Alexandra Devendra, 25 September 2015. Legal design blog.

Redesigning Digital Services: Creating simpler and clearer contracts. Warren Smith,

Layout for legislation. Rob Waller, April 2015. Simplification Centre.

Sopimusten visualisointi – Viso-hankkeen oppeja tulevaan Morfeus-hankkeeseen. Hanna Tuohimaa, 11 December 2014. FuturesLab CoFi – CoFiBlogi.

Visual Law: What Lawyers Need to Learn from Information Designers. Margaret Hagan, 29 April 2014. Legal Communication Design, Legal DesignLab, Stanford Law School

Sopimusten visualisointi ja informaatiomuotoilu luovat käyttäjäystävällisyyttä. Pia Adibe, February 2014, Tietoasiantuntija 2/2014, p. 6–8.

Launching an Unconventional Trademark Policy for Open Collaboration.  Yana Welinder, 12 February 2014. Wikimedia Blog.

Next Generation Contracts, by Helena Haapio. Margaret Hagan, 13 January 2014. Reading List (books, blogs, articles, and more — for those who want to be on the forefront of legal innovation). Legal Design Lab at Stanford Law School & Stanford University’s Institute of Design (

Haapio: Next Generation Contracts: A Paradigm Shift. Robert C. Richards, Jr., 8 December 2013. Legal Informatics blog.

Väitös: Monimutkaisia sopimuksia on hyvä visualisoida. Sami Pöntinen & Risto Palomäki,  29 November 2013. Yle Uutiset, Kotimaa.

Dissertation: Next generation contracts: A paradigm shift. 25 November 2013. News, University of Vaasa.

Väitös: Visuaaliset ja käyttäjäkeskeiset sopimukset liiketoiminnan tukena. 25 November 2013. Uutiset, Vaasan yliopisto.

Legal Design Jam: what happened. Margaret Hagan, 26 October 2013. Legal Design Lab at Stanford Law School & Stanford University’s Institute of Design (

Legal Design Jam: a sketchnote. Margaret Hagan, 26 October 2013. Open Law Lab.

5 insights from a legal design jam. Margaret Hagan, 25 October 2013. The Whiteboard, Stanford University’s Institute of Design (

Best Paper Award to Helena Haapio at an international Academic Forum. 16 October 2013. University of Vaasa.

Legal Design Jam. Margaret Hagan, 13 October 2013. Legal Design Lab at Stanford Law School & Stanford University’s Institute of Design (

Legal Design Jam, Part 2. Margaret Hagan, 4 October 2013. Open Law Lab.

Hand Drawn Tech Law. Margaret Hagan, 5 August 2013. Open Law Lab.

Contracts You Can Understand. Tim Cummins, 22 May 2013. Commitment Matters blog.

Haapio & Passera: Visual Law: What Lawyers Need to Learn from Information Designers. Robert C. Richards, Jr., 16 May 2013. Legal Informatics blog.

Lexpert & Visual Law. Margaret Hagan, 29 March 2013. Open Law Lab.

Sopimusten visualisoinnista voi tulla suomalainen vientituote. Nisse Suutarinen, 25 January 2013. Intellectual Transit Zone.

User-Friendly Contracts. Tim Cummins, 7 June 2012. Commitment Matters blog.

Making Contracts Work – IACCM Proactive Law Group’s Helena Haapio recognized at leading European conference. March 2012. IACCM Contracting Excellence.

LexisNexis Best Paper Award prämiert beste Arbeit der IRIS 2012. 6 March 2012. LexisNexis Press Release.

VIP: Helena Haapio on the need for more user-friendly contracts, Inline 3/2011 (November), p. 38. Rautaruukki Corporation. Also published in German “VIP: Helena Haapio über die Kunst der Vertragsabfassung”, in Swedish “VIP: Helena Haapio reflekterar kring konsten att skriva avtal” and in Finnish “VIP: Varatuomari Helena Haapio pohtii sopimusten saloja”.

Academic Forum – Award Winning Paper. November/December 2011. Contracting Excellence.

The New Media and Opportunities for Contract Visualization: Applications of Visual Law. Colette R. Brunschwig, 24 November 2011. beck-community Blog, Multisensory Law Group.

Visualization of Contracts. Colette R. Brunschwig, 20 April 2011. beck-community Blog, Multisensory Law Group.

Palvelusopimukset ovat liian tärkeitä jäädäkseen yksin juristien asiaksi. Visio 3/2009, p. 13. Teknologiateollisuus ry.

Under Contract. Marcia Jedd, December 2007 (Vol. 21 Issue 12), p. 68–74. PM Network.

Finland – A Source Of Best Practice Contracting. 9 March 2007. IACCM News (featuring the article “Contract Coaching – Finland’s Latest Export Product” originally published by Enterprise Finland, Jorma Marttala).

Miljoonalaskuja Amerikasta – Sopimusten porsaanreiät voivat tulla kalliiksi. Jukka Ollila, 12 October 1999. Kauppalehti Extra / Turvallisuus (Kauppalehti Uutisarkisto).

Vastuun vyöryttäminen voi viedä varomattoman konkurssiin. Liisa Hakola, 3 September 1999. Kauppalehti Extra / Informaatiotekniikka (Kauppalehti Uutisarkisto).